Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So I'm going to put on a little sale at my store!
$10$15$5$8$7I will also include one of these hand-made necklaces with every purchase!
Please email me if you are interested in anything!


Annie Spandex said...

Cool stuff!! I like the 1st sweater and the purse especially. said...


Chanel inspiration (or authentic?!) red bag is very cute!

10$? You are a lucky woman! ;) said...

oh no, only 7$... lucky, lucky :D

Valerie Rojas Braverman said...

Very cool sweater. That blue is my favorite.

pumps & luiers said...


Interesting shop you have

christina said...

I'm really adoring that first sweater. It has a great frumpy vibe to it.

Tricia said...

good buyer incentive.

Dana (MODAna) said...

oooh great Chanel-esque purse
I love the handmade necklace touch! buyers will love that

Amelia said...

That lace top looks nice.

morena said...

Great stuff!!
Love the bag

wishiwasswedish said...

I'd love to buy the red bag!! but I'm from Spain and I saw that you're not shipping here...If you change your mind please contact me 'cause I'd be really interested in buying it!!^^
