Monday, May 12, 2008


I hate, hate, hate these sunglasses. Okay I don't give two craps if Kanye wears them, cause he pretty much popularized them, but when people walk around the street wearing those stupid pieces of plastic that shouldn't even be called sunglasses, I lose my mind. Especially when they act all cool and shit. I want to take it from their faces and then shove it down their throats...K, I'm done.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree! Someone came into my work once wearing these and playing music on their phone so everyone could hear. Do you really need a soundtrack to your life?? I've hated them ever since!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

LOL...too true and please, you can't really see in them!!!!

Ella Gregory said...

Yeah I see what you mean
I don't really get them, especialy on Paris

socialedisturbed. said...

I hate them too.. the look like window blinds!

roxanne said...

hahahahaha no really though, you're completely right.

also: i tried them on out of curiosity and, just to confirm the obvious, they're terribly obstructive to your vision, why anyone would attempt to wear these on the street is not only ludicrous and unattractive, but dangerous, as well.

rant over.

Anonymous said...

Hey, how do you call them? We want to wear it for a mascharade! :D :D

person said...

I agree! I can't stand these things. Everyone who wears the m just looks like a jackass tool.